The Squeaky Wheel

Today’s scripture: Luke 18:1-8 (NSVR) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease!”

You know this is often true. When you were a kid, you begged your mom to let you stay up just one more hour so you could watch the rest of that movie, and she finally gave in. After nagging your partner day after day for months on end, you finally persuaded him to hang his towel up somewhere other than the floor. You have been hounding the boss for weeks to bring refreshments to the morning meetings, and she finally showed up the other day with a couple dozen donuts. You have pleaded with God to help you overcome this obstacle, and. . . what? God hasn’t seemed to respond yet?

Does God even hear your desperate, repeated pleas? Is it possible that there is more than just yes, no, not now, or not yet? What if there is a different way that God responds?

I like to envision God greasing our squeaky wheel with the strength we need to get through the day. Strength to continue seeking, praying, learning, and growing. Strength to build perseverance, perseverance that produces character, and character that produces hope (Romans 5:4). Strength to become better equipped for the next beautiful thing God has in store for you.

Thought for the day: Lord, how many times have you heard me cry out to you, and yet I have not listened for anything but the answer I want? Forgive me. Today, I will recognize the strength you have given to me and use that strength to empower my journey.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.