Dear Fear

Today’s scripture: Deuteronomy 31:6 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen):

Dear Fear,

I need to tell you something. I’ve been meaning to talk to you for awhile now but I could never quite find the words. So, I’ve decided to write you a letter. First and foremost, let me announce that it is over between us. This relationship we have is unhealthy and damaging to me. Somehow you are the only beneficiary when I am afraid. You always say that you are just “protecting me” or “keeping me from making a fool of myself,” when really, you are stifling my excellence and dimming my light. Well, no more! I’m on to you and your schemes. You keep me afraid to try and I never grow. Instead, I rely more and more on you to direct my path, which means I am relying less and less on God. Speaking of God, that is Who will be taking your place. Unlike you, God gives me the courage to try something new. If I fail, God never says “I told you so”. Instead, God simply holds out a loving hand to help me back on me feet and urges me to try again. I love God with all my heart, and there is no comparison between you two. God outshines you in every way possible and loves me quiet unconditionally.

Do you remember that time you told me I should never try to sing? Do you remember laughing at me when I first tried to learn how to harmonize? Well, guess what? I sang at church today, and I loved it. I lifted my voice in love and acknowledgement of my God. And you know what? No one laughed. Not one single person. I will never let you hold me back again. I have let you hold me down in the name of safety and comfort way too many times. You have fooled me for the last time.

Now, I know you will have a hard time letting go of me. I know that you will try to hang on and convince me that you really are right. To be honest, I may fall for it…at first. But I am learning to recognize you even when you disguise yourself as “Mr. Common Sense”. You always say that I need to “stay within my own limits” and to “gracefully accept defeat.” You always compare me to others and point out all the ways in which I don’t measure up. Well, I’m done with all of that. I’m done listening to you fill my head with negativity and defeat. I will not be afraid to try, to give something my all, or to proceed forward knowing full well that I could fail. Nor will I fear my excellence, progress or brilliance. With the help of my Lord and Savior, I will let my light shine in the darkest place. I will love hard knowing I could get hurt. I will use my gifts to celebrate my God and be the best I can be at whatever endeavor I choose. You will not stop me anymore.

I have made a list of the things I’ve never pursued because of you. I begin with number one tomorrow morning. I will go to that workout class you say I can’t handle and give it all I have. I will not give up when I’m tired. I will not be afraid to try new and difficult things. Know that if I fail, I will get up and try again and again until I succeed. I’ve got the Lord on my side and I am no longer afraid so I don’t need you anymore. You have no power over me.

Good bye,


Thought for the day: God, I am so sorry that I let fear creep into my mind and stop me from doing the things you have directed me to do. Please help me to recognize fear when it comes around and give me divine courage to press forward.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.