Thanksgiving Playlist

Today’s scripture: Psalm 92:1-5 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

Be Still And Know is in the midst of a journey through of the Book of Psalms. During the Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas seasons, we will continue the Book of Psalms as we give thanksgiving, prepare for Christmas and end the year into the new one.

Today’s Psalm begins Thanksgiving week. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday, but it certainly has spiritual meaning. Many of the Psalms in the bible are Psalms of Thanksgiving, as is Psalm 92.

The first five verses of Psalm 92 is a reminder to me of ways to give thanksgiving to God. Not all of us are gifted musicians, but many of us love music and incorporate it into our prayer time. I have a playlist on my IPOD dedicated to Thanksgiving, where I include piano music of songs such as Simple Gifts, Thanksgiving, All Glory Laud and Honor, Celebration, Beautiful Savior, All Things Bright and Beautiful, Amazing Grace, and many other similar songs with some Christmas songs sprinkled in.

When Jeff and I get away to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where we typically go for Thanksgiving week, I like to get up early Thanksgiving morning, put on the music from IPOD’s Thanksgiving Playlist, make apple fritters and apple butter for breakfast, and begin sautéing the vegetables for the stuffing, stuff the bird and get it in the oven. All this time I am thanking God for the year, for Jeff, the animals, and for the time away at a cabin in the Smokey Mountains. This is my way of making music in thanksgiving to God; playing songs of thanksgiving, making our Thanksgiving meal, and praying.

For 2013, this year will be different. Instead of going to Pigeon Forge, we will be going to Maryland to spend Thanksgiving with my parents, and to have a legal marriage at the old Annapolis Court House. I may not be making the same music as in Pigeon Forge, especially without Dollywood, but we will be making our own music of Thanksgiving to God at the Annapolis Courthouse this week. Praise God indeed!

Prayer for the day: What kind of music am I making in giving Thanksgiving to God?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.