Giving Thanks

Today’s scripture: Psalm 107:1 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Kristen Hermann):

Today’s verse reminded me of the following story:  A woman drove up and down the busy streets looking for a parking spot. She grew more and more frantic as the minutes ticked away and began to pray for a spot to appear. After another circle around the block without luck, she bargained with God. She made a list of things she’d do in exchange for a parking spot, including having regular attendance at church, tithing, and reading her Bible on a daily basis. Suddenly, she saw a car in front of hers pulled away from the curb. As she whipped her car into the spot, she said, “Never mind, God.  I just found one.”

The story is obviously a joke, but like many jokes, it acts as a mirror to real life. The woman didn’t attribute the open parking spot to God. We are like the woman, experiencing times in our lives when we’ve not attributed the good in a situation to God. Luckily for us, we have God’s love even during those times we don’t recognize His/Her workings.

How do we know when a life event is God’s working? At first glance, an open parking spot may seem like a matter too trivial for which to give God thanks. Is there really a difference if the woman is late to get in line for the release of the latest version of a cell or if she is late for a first meeting with an estranged son? In both situations, the open spot is good.

Today’s reading reminds us God is good (the smaller good as well as the larger good) and deserving of our thanks.

Thought for the day: What blessings in my life have I not given thanks for to God?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.