Journey of the Seeds

For Lent and Easter seasons, and a little beyond, we will be leaving The Book of Psalms and visiting the Parables of Jesus. We will return to Psalms at a later time and pick up with Psalm 69. Ash Wednesday is March 5.

Today’s scripture: Luke 8:4-15; Mark 4:3-9; Matthew 13:3-9 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

This is one of those parables we hear or read about often. As I read this slowly several times, I started to see something a little different. I can see it as the ups and downs of a life on a spiritual journey.

There are times when we feel very connected to God. This is when the seeds fall on good soil, and roots sprout and grow deep. But, we can have times in our life when the seeds fall on the path, on the rocks, or among the thorns, where they don’t grow so well. These may be the rocky times in life when we go through difficulties, or when we forget that we need God and we try to do it all on our own.

Instead of viewing this as a parable of only one in four people actually “getting it” and allowing God to take hold in heart and soul, perhaps it is about a journey when we sometimes “get it” and when we sometimes take a different route.

Have you ever experienced a time in life when you kept trying the same thing over and over again, looking for a different result, eventually realizing it’s time to try something different? This can be a relationship, or a career, or just about anything in life. We can put all of our efforts into things that don’t grow, don’t help us, and don’t draw us nearer to where God wants us to be.

I remember when I was sensing that God was calling me into ministry in the early 2000s. I had a difficult time committing to a change, so I kept thinking it through and prolonging any decision, changing jobs, and avoiding the “decision.” Seeds fell on the path, on the rocks, and among the thorns, and I was as confused as ever. But when I decided to take the fertile soil way, to let God work in my life, and to plant the seeds so they were nourished and deeply rooted, everything fell into place.

Thought for the Day (Prayer): Where are you on your Journey?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.