Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

Today’s scripture: Hebrews 2:1-4 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Vivian Wyatt):

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

In the 60s there was a science fiction television show called Lost in Space. It was about an astronaut who was on a mission with his wife and kids, the Robinsons, an Air Force pilot, and a robot. Their purpose was to find a planet suitable for colonization; it seems the earth was overpopulated. Oh yes, there was also a very annoying stowaway named Dr. Smith. It was Dr. Smith’s unintended presence and sabotage that put them in the path of a meteor storm which caused them to veer off course; and thus the name: Lost in Space.

In their efforts to find their way back to earth, they landed on different planets; always encountering hostile life forces. One of the main things I remember about this show was when there was a threat the robot would flail its arms, the lights in its head would begin to flash, and it would yell, “Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!” Will was the youngest of the children and apparently needed prodding to be safe.

This passage of Scripture brings that robot to mind. It appears to be a warning to pay attention to what’s being taught. Danger, Church, Danger! Pay attention to what you’ve heard so you will not drift away. Isn’t that the way it is? We don’t throw up our hands in disgust and walk away from church and God; we simply drift away. We miss a Sunday here and there until we look up and we haven’t been to church in weeks. We get so busy that the time that was spent with God gets less and less, and we finally notice that we haven’t prayed in months: a gradual slipping away.

Paul was concerned that his listeners would drift back into Judaism. We should be concerned about drifting back into our old ways. Danger, Church! Danger!

Prayer for the day: God, make me aware when I am drifting from you. Renew my desire for all things spiritual, including attending church and prayer. Amen

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.