The Choice of Faith

Today’s scripture: Hebrews 3:1-6 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynette Pullen):

I had this gnawing feeling in the back of my mind. The more I ignored it, the more it grew. Then, it progressed from a gnawing to more of a nudging in my heart. God wants me to do something. I know what it is. At least, I’m pretty sure I know what it is. I keep trying to put it in the back of my mind, but somehow it seems to bubble back up to the forefront. “Why do I resist?” you ask. Well, it’s because I’m scared, plain and simple. I am surrounded by doubt. What if I fail? What if I’m wrong? What if it doesn’t work? What if I step out on a limb and it cracks and I plummet to my death? Nope, I’m not moving. I’m safe where I am. It’s secure where I am. I don’t like uncertainty. But God promises that I will be okay. Not that I will have a safe and uneventful flight, but that I will land in one piece, unscathed by it all. But, still that leap of faith, into the great unknown, is mighty scary.

That’s where that thing called faith comes in. Faith is an odd thing to me. The Bible defines faith as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). How can I be certain when I can’t see, feel, sense, or even perceive? As a matter of fact, it often looks like what I’m supposed to believe in won’t happen. For example, if I were to have faith that I would get a better job, the market might be scarce and pay might be low all around. But having faith would mean that, despite that, I would believe that God has already lined something up for me, despite what it may look like. That’s a tall order for me, especially when I have a past wrought with disappointment and let-downs. But that’s the point of faith, isn’t it?

To be certain of what, in all other accounts, appears impossible. To think, behave, act, and believe wholeheartedly in God’s promise; not to base my future on my past, but simply to trust in God. To press forward despite the oppressive nature of fear and doubt that seem to make it hard to even breathe sometimes. Faith asks that I put everything on the line and believe when I have no reason to. Bottom line, for me, faith is a choice. I can choose to press forward and do what God is asking, or I can choose to sit in comfort and predictability.

Knees shaking, heart pounding, and palms sweating, I choose to press forward. I choose to take that step into the great unknown. I know it feels safer to stay put, but really that’s a lie. It’s always safer to let God direct our path. I know that I may fail, I could be wrong, and it may not work. But I believe with every cell in my body, that in the end it will work out for my good and the good of others; and really, that’s all that matters. But, when I go before God and give an account of my life, I will be able to say, “God, I did my best to be obedient and faithful to you. I made many mistakes, sometimes I went the wrong way, and sometimes I failed, but I always tried to follow you.” I pray that God responds with: “Well done, you good and faithful servant.”

What will you choose?

Thought for the day: God, thank you for your gentle prodding that helps us make that leap of faith.  Help us to always choose faith instead of security.  Protect us along our journey and teach us to tune in to your voice, so we won’t lose our way.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.