Wait Patiently

Today’s scripture: Hebrews 6:13-20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Jeff Cope):

The Hebrew people were struggling to hold onto the promises given to them by God. When things weren’t working out within their timeframe, they began questioning their Christian faith. They were urged to hold onto God’s promises and the assurance that God’s word is infallible. Moreover, the underlying message is one of being patient in faith. God’s own timing for God’s promises does not always coincide with our own. In my experience it rarely ever does.

About the time I graduated from high school and entered college, I had one major life goal. It wasn’t to party or to be wildly successful. No, I wanted someone to share my life. That perfect counterpart to my soul. Someone who just loved spending time together, whether that be sitting on the beach or curling up with a great movie.

I prayed to God to help me find this woman of my dreams! At the same time I decided to take action on my own by trying to meet people and put myself out there to the best of my ability. There were a few relationships that resulted, but they never ended up working out. At that point in time I was extremely disappointed when things didn’t work out and couldn’t quite grasp why. I’m normally a pretty patient person when it comes to things like traffic; but when it’s something I really want, I have a hard time waiting.

During this time I became very discouraged. This was a period of about five years, and it seemed like an eternity to me. Why wasn’t God answering my prayer? If God is listening, what is taking so long? Doesn’t God want to see me happy? Now, unlike the Hebrew people, I wasn’t on the verge of switching religions; but I did start to wonder if God would stay true to the promises that were imprinted upon my heart.

Then something happened that changed everything. A friend of mine called to ask about setting me up on a blind date. He gave me her email address, and she and I exchanged a few emails and pictures. We ended up meeting up with our mutual friend and his girlfriend for lunch. That’s when it happened: she and I clicked right away!

God changed my life instantly with that blind date. She and I have been inseparable ever since. We went on to marry and have been together nearly twelve years. The funny thing about it is that with all the effort I had put in over the years trying to meet Mrs. Right, it didn’t come down to anything I did. God had a plan all along. It’s only when I look back that I can clearly see why I had to wait for God’s perfect promise to come true for my life. Things never would have been right for the two of us had it been any sooner. If only I had waited patiently and trusted God rather than put the burden on myself, those years of waiting would have been so much easier. And thus Abraham, having patiently endured, obtained the promise” (Hebrews 6:14).

Thought for the day: Are you waiting on God for a promise? Wait patiently and with a strong heart of faith. God will come through for you and will deliver on all God’s promises in God’s perfect timing.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.