Shake It Off

Today’s scripture: Luke 9:1-6 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

Several years ago, when I was in my mid-twenties, I had the most difficult conversation I will probably ever have — I came out to my parents. I remember sitting across the table from them as they both cried. I had only seen my dad cry once before and that was when my grandpa, his dad, died years earlier. My mother could hardly speak she was crying so hard. It wasn’t pretty. Every fiber of my being was telling me to take it back or to at least apologize. I didn’t apologize on that day but I started living my life as if it was one big apology.

I would not out myself to anyone unless I was absolutely certain they would be safe. In other words, I stayed in the closet with every co-worker, most of my acquaintances, many friends, and every member of my extended family. The way my parents reacted to what I felt to be good news (me finally being honest about who I was) told me that this was something I shouldn’t share with anyone else for fear that they might respond in the same way.

For several years I lived what can only be described as a double life. I was my authentic self around my gay and affirming straight friends; I was my inauthentic self around everyone else. It was exhausting. My parents and family acted as if I had never had that dreadful conversation with them — we went on as if nothing had changed. Only on the inside I was more broken than ever.

After some time of this hiding, I came across today’s scripture during my quiet time, and I felt the loving spirit of God inviting me to shake off the dust of my family’s rejection. I had shared my good news and it was not received. But that shouldn’t have been my burden to bear. I took it upon myself when really it never belonged to me; I needed to shake the dust of that rejection off my feet and move forward. That burden was weighing me down, keeping me stuck in the town where I had never felt more isolated and alone.

It took a long while and many trips in and out of that dusty town, but I did manage to finally shake it off. I love my family but their negative dust of rejection and fear are no longer a burden I bear. Instead, I want to keep sharing the good news of Jesus’ amazing love and I can’t do that with all that dust in the air.

Thought for the day: Is there dust in your life that you need to shake off? Don’t let the negativity of someone else cloud your vision. Shake off their dust and move on. Someone else needs to hear your good news.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.