
Today’s scripture: Philippians 3:1-11 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen):

For the last few years, I have had a gentle nudge on my heart to move my life in a different direction. Over time, that nudge has gotten to be more of a push. It is sort of hard to ignore. I feel that God is calling me to something new, like I need to move forward on a new adventure. The reality is that there are parts of me that resist change. I am comfortable where I am. I have earned a degree in a field that I am interested in. I hold a position in my company where I am respected and able to use my skills. I realize I have advanced as much as I can in my current position. I am not at all interested in getting into management. My job definitely has issues, but what job doesn’t? However, even as I write this, I know in my spirit I was meant for something more. This job, this career path, these skills were for a season in my life. It is time for a new season where I will use these skills and learn more. God is calling me to something different, new, and exciting. At first I tried to ignore it. I have worked so hard to be where I am now, and I just wanted to sit back and ride on “cruise control” for a while.

When I read Philipians 3:1-11, I was both struck and convicted by Paul’s reckless pursuit of God’s desire for his life. He explains that everything he gained, either earned or inherited, is considered garbage in his pursuit for Christ. Paul left everything behind, dumping his own earthly achievements and status for the spiritual righteousness of not only knowing Christ, but pointing others in his direction. How uncomfortable that must have been for him, leaving everything familiar, his job, community, family, and way of life, to pursue the path that God laid upon his heart. He turned off his “cruise control” and blazed a new path, one that we follow to this day.

God is calling me. Who am I not to answer? Who am I to comfortably coast through life? Who am I not to spend every season of my life recklessly pursuing, hunting even, God’s plan and purpose for my life. What if I can use my skills and talents to make this world a little nicer? What if we all could?! Imagine if everyone whom God called turned off the cruise control of life, left behind a world of comfort and familiarity, and did what was impressed upon them to do. I wonder how different our world would be. I heard someone say one time, “I would ask why God allows evil and heinous things to happen, but then I would be afraid that God would turn around and ask me the same thing.”

What is God calling you to? Who are you not to answer? Be brave enough to leave behind what is meant for a season past and to look forward to the future that God has planned for you. Don’t just dream about the plans God put on your heart; chase them with an audacious passion. Don’t let the traps of contentment and routine keep you from making this world a better place. One person can make a difference. In the paraphrased words of singer/songwriter William McDowell, “We don’t live in a democracy; we live in a kingdom.” It doesn’t take a majority to make a change, just one. If God calls you to blaze a path, then turn off the cruise control, turn on the four wheel drive, and get moving.

Prayer for the day: God, forgive us for running when you call our names. Sometimes life can get so comfortable that it’s easy to “go with the flow,” when instead you want us to move forward into a new season. Thank you for the anointing that you have placed in all of our lives. We have these gifts to help make this world a better place. Help us to discover these gifts/talents and to use them in a way that you see fit. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.