Put Yourself Into It!

Today’s scripture: Colossians 3:23 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

It was Christmas Eve, Friday night, about 9:30 pm. The kitchen looked like the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. Nothing was set up for Christmas Day events for the church Christmas party. I was depressed, tired from working all week and from sleeping only three or four hours each night.

And I was very sad. I always expend a lot of energy this week getting ready for Christmas and the church open house at Jeff’s and my home, so that wasn’t new. But for more than a decade, I would spend much of this week with Denise Stewart, who passed away this past April. In my tiredness, I was sad because this week was so important to both of us, and we would spend it together getting ready for Christmas. Come this Christmas morning, she would not be knocking on my door bright and early to get the party started. So, I threw my hands in the air, and I was about to give up. I thought that I would just do the best I could, which at the time, wasn’t saying much.

Then it happened. I took a short time to pray to see if I could gather some strength to keep on going so I would be ready in the morning. I heard Denise’s voice in my head and she said to me, “whatever the task, do it for God.” I looked the phrase up because I knew that was a passage from one of Paul’s letters, but I could not remember from which book.

There it was in Colossians 3:23. “Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord…” Knowing this was one of those “God moments”, I got an extra bounce in my step, and in the next hour and a half, the house was set up, the kitchen was organized, and things moved quickly. When I look back at what was accomplished in the short time span, it felt like a miracle! I have no idea how I got from that state of disarray to being so organized in such a short time.

Perhaps, it was spending time with Kisha, Denise’s daughter, that Christmas Eve afternoon, taking her out for her birthday lunch and the memories and reminders flooding my mind. Maybe it was the time out for prayer. Maybe it was the voice of God coming from Denise that inspired me. Whatever it was, “putting myself into, as for the Lord” saved the day, and saved myself in the moment.

During those times where we find ourselves in a bind, perhaps a few moments of prayer and listening to God, and remembering the task at hand and giving our all for God will help us make it through those times where we want to throw our hands up in the air and say, “I give up.”

Prayer for the day: God, help me understand better the task at hand, and how it fits into building your kingdom. Help me keep perspective, and help me give of myself to share Christ’s love to others, and to myself. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.