Why Not?

Today’s scripture: Isaiah 58:1-14 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Have you ever felt compelled to spread the word about something that has been underpublicized, under-emphasized, or not fully understood? This is why every great cause of justice was birthed whether it was the black rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the LGBTQ movement, or any other. The injustices that motivated these movements were not in peoples full awareness (maybe on the fringe, but not really ³on the radar²). People just needed to be made aware. And when they were, the response, although often enduring setbacks, was phenomenal. Well, that’s exactly how I feel about two of the actions Isaiah encourages here giving food to the hungry and breaking the yokes of bondage.

I’ve recently learned some about the scope of suffering the world faces today starvation, earthquakes, and war. Almost every Friday when I’m driving, I hear the Weekly News Round-up on the Diane Rehm show on NPR, which devotes an hour to covering events that have transpired during that week. And time after time I’m amazed and saddened by the intense suffering in such places as Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, and many others. Sickness, starvation, oppression, and violent deaths plague so many. It seems I learn of a new atrocity each week. The latest plague is the Yellow Fever outbreak in Angola and The Democratic Republic of Congo. This kind of news is usually overshadowed by other more spectacular, pleasant and entertaining news. It’s not sexy (I’ve heard this expression used several times recently to describe an issue that doesn’t have the glitter, the appeal, and the entertainment potency in order to attract peoples attention). But the love of Christ compels us to look at and deal with issues that are not fun, not appealing, and that don’t have easy solutions.

The Hunger Project estimates there are 795 million people (or one in nine people in the world) who don’t have enough to eat. This huge need provides a challenge for all who have any discretionary income. For me, if I have more money than my needs require, I’m now confronted with a hard decision: do I spend it on a luxury I want (my own interest), or do I give it away to someone who’s going to bed hungry and sick (those who are hungry don’t have enough money for adequate medical care either). The more I get to know God, the more I believe we (meaning everyone in the world) are ONE. So, the person across the world is just as connected to me as my best friend.

But what if you simply don’t have any money to donate to causes that can help? Then let me assure you that I’m not guilting or shaming you in any way. You know the famous verse, ³God loves a cheerful giver²? I think we can infer a similar message that ­God loves the one who WANTS to give but CAN’T! And there are many other ways to help in addition to financial giving. The person who can volunteer their services is invaluable in helping the disadvantaged. And the person who fervently prays that help reaches those in need — despite the obstacles of war, terrorists, and other potential blockages — provides an invaluable service.

I believe I feel the Spirit of God tugging at those of us who have extra abundance, inspiring many of us to give more more than we have been. And when we do, “our light shall spring forth like the dawn”. It won’t be for our glory, though. It will be light for those whose stomachs have churned from the darkness of hunger. It will be relief for those whose bodies have ached from the pain of high fever.

Thank God that at LifeJourney Church, we have a fantastic missionary outreach and child sponsorship program which are helping those in need in big ways. Let’s pray for our mission team that’s venturing to Guatemala in October, and look forward to hearing about their adventures upon their return!

Are you ready to join in? Do however and whatever you can.

Thought for the day: How about envisioning breakthrough progress in eradicating world hunger? “Some people see things as they are and say ‘Why?’ I dream of things that never were, and say, ‘Why not?'”  (Robert F. Kennedy, based on the words of George Bernard Shaw.)

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.