There’s No Place Like Hope for the Holidays


Today’s scripture: Luke 2:7 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

I really love Christmas time. When I was kid, we didn’t have much, and my parents were not very religious. But they always made the Christmas season, and especially Christmas morning, seem so magical.

We would go out to the woods, pick out a tree, chop it down, and drag it home. My Dad would always decorate it — he said that we would break the ornaments. We did not have much money, so we would be creative about our Christmas decorations and make a lot of things from materials around the house. My mom would spend days baking cookies and cakes and creating candies and confections.

When I look at myself today, it seems I spend a lot of time trying to recreate what I had when I was a kid. Sometimes I get so busy between the shopping, the baking, the wrapping, the get-togethers, and the whole holiday frenzy, I never seem to take the time to just relax and enjoy the season and the people around me.

And then I read this simple verse. Even as Jesus was born, the world was too busy to notice. The inn was full. Was the inkeeper too busy to notice Mary and Joseph’s situation?

It is interesting to note how it’s stated: “there was no place for them at the inn.” Perhaps the innkeeper didn’t want a to bother with a pregnant woman, a family who could not pay, or strangers who might be outcasts.

This Holiday season, as we get really busy with our time and resources, let’s take a step back and remember those who have “no place at the inn.” Let’s open our hearts and our homes, and give up some of our busy time to notice others needs and do as Jesus would. Take the time to embrace the joy, feel the spirit, enjoy the sights, smells and tastes, and share in God’s blessings. You might be creating a Christmas memory for someone that will last a life time.

Thought for the day: Create a Christmas memory. Who around me may need a word of encouragement, or just a moment of my time?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.