
This week’s Advent theme: Overcoming Our Fear of God’s “Disruptions”

Today’s scripture: Luke 1:26-38 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Lynnette Pullen):

I love movies. I watch and quote movies constantly. It has gotten to the point that the kids now talk in movie lines! Even my spouse (who tolerates my movies) will ask “Is that a line from a movie?” However, something really cool started to happen. I started mentally matching movie scenes and quotes to Bible stories and scriptures. So, when I read Luke 1:26-38 and listened to Jeff’s sermon this Sunday, a movie scene popped in my mind.

In the movie Minority Report, Captain John Anderton (played by Tom Cruise) is head of the police department where, by using three powerful psychics, crime is “predicted” and prevented. Through some interesting events (I won’t spoil the movie for you), John sets out to save the lead psychic. After a series of events, the police are after both of them.

The scene is intense: a couple dozen officers are scouring a mall to find them. They are in the center of the multilevel facility on the first floor and the police are closing in. The psychic Agatha (played by Samantha Morton) directs him to take an umbrella. Hesitantly, John does it. They hurry through a very open area of the mall, but Agatha suddenly stops in the center providing a perfect view for the police to see them. She begs John to wait. He’s nervous and asks “What are we waiting for?” She only says “Wait.” Just as the police are closing in, a man with a huge bouquet of balloons steps in front of them while selling one to a child nearby. As the transaction takes place, it perfectly blocks them from view of the police. They are then able to make it out the front door. However, the police spot them as they exit and pursue them. It’s raining outside, John looks at the umbrella and finally understands. He opens it and they blend into the crowd of umbrellas on the street and make a successful getaway.

That scene often reminds me of how God works: constantly directing my path and asking me to do things that make absolutely no sense to me. It often appears that I am in harm’s way, when actually I am quite protected. Sometimes I ask “Why?”, and sometimes God just says “Wait.” Every time, without fail it was always to my benefit to wait. Sometimes it looks like everything is closing in on me and I can’t wait any longer. I am learning to trust God and wait when I want to run, to stop when I want to go, and to believe when I feel like doubting. It is so easy to get ahead of God and God’s complex and creative plans. I admire Mary for submitting to God’s will immediately and not asking “Why?” I aspire to be that obedient, not only to deepen my trust with God, but frankly for my own good.

Thought for the day: Then Mary said, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.”

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.