
Today’s scripture: Genesis 19:1-11 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Terri Brown):

Wow! When I first saw the scripture for this devotional assignment I thought, “Why me?” Then I thought, “What is God really trying to say to me?”

When I absorbed the passage and spent time in reflection, I was surprised how meaningful the message became to me. I no longer looked at Genesis 19:1-11 as that clobber passage we often associate with the Bible verses used to condemn homosexuality and gender diversity.

It occurred to me to put myself in the shoes of some of the characters in the verses and apply it to my current life. Instead of being Lot and trying to obey by helping the situation or being like others who pointed fingers at anyone different and condemned them; I noticed how easily people are influenced by others in the passage, and they go along with the crowd instead of allowing their own personal beliefs to be put in to practice.

This man named Lot stood out and became a scapegoat because he acted differently and followed his heart. We often persecute those who march to the beat of a different drummer. I usually consider myself someone who celebrates diversity. I have been exposed to different  people and practiced acceptance from a young age.

But I admit that I can struggle with this. In many situations, my heart strings are pulled in one direction, but people I consider to be in authority have rules I feel compelled to follow. I know I can be an instrument of change,  but unlike Lot, I have often been unable to speak up in conflict situations.

Sometimes, I might have great ideas for compromise, but I tend to step to the back of the room and standby, and allow those those who are the ones screaming and yelling at the Lots of the world to be heard while I remain silent. And someone gets hurt. I don’t want to be that person.

If I am going to follow, I need to follow my heart; where God calls me to respond. I hear God telling me to use what I have learned over the years to discern what is important to pursue, and to pursue that,  allowing myself to let my point of view be known regardless of the circumstances.

Most important is the choice to stand firm on issues of essence including equality, social justice and morality. I can compromise with family, friends and in my job as long as there is no illegal, unjust or unethical act involved.  Even if someone has issues with my personal choices, beliefs, or work style, I will not stop being who I am. I will be a person of faith who tries to work with God to create understanding and harmony.

Prayer for the day: Lord, help me and others like me to create understanding and harmony. Guide me through times of friction and help me speak up and be your soldier for change and justice.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.