Be Courageous

Today’s scripture: Genesis 44 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (James Hendrix):

A friend recently told me that he does not believe in prayer. He gave examples from his life in which he felt that God had not answered his prayers. “Prayer does nothing,” he said. He added that people who believe in prayer are unstable and often use it as a crutch. And then he asked me what I thought. Sadly, instead of telling him I had experienced the power of prayer many times in my life, I hesitated, jumped to another topic, and never gave him a direct answer.

Fear often keeps people from doing what God calls them to do, but God tells us not to be afraid. In today’s Scripture passage, we see Judah’s courage when he pleaded to Joseph for Benjamin’s release. Although Judah could have faced death when he appealed to Joseph — one of the most powerful men in Egypt — Judah spoke up and took a bold stand for Benjamin and his other brothers.

God offers us the same courage that He gave to Judah. When situations arise where you know that you should speak up, seek God, trust in God’s power, and then allow God to use you for the glory of the Lord.

Prayer for the day: God, in times when I need to speak up, grant me faith and courage to become Your mouthpiece. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.