Holy Sacred Space

Today’s Scripture: Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows (God’s) handiwork.

My Thoughts (David Zier)

Sacred space. What is your experience?

“The Holy” may be viewed as in the church, as in the tabernacle or Temple as stated in the Bible, but also anywhere else.  Whether near or far, whether among the stars or among the words of scripture, whether among the People of God or beyond them, in the dessert, or over the ocean, God is there. It is a Holy Sacred Space.

Sacred space may extend outward as far as the we know exists, and then even further than we can imagine in the cosmic totality. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows (God’s) handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1).

But whether “the sacred” meets us out under the stars or on pages of Scripture, in either case, it is a sacred place, and it is a place to pray. Do we allow ourselves to be led to pray?  That space is sacred where heaven and earth meet, and where God and humanity commune.

Somewhere between the heavens and the far reaches, we all live. Both at the outer edges of all existence and at the inmost heart of our lives “the Holy” greets us, then moves with us through all the places of our lives. Sacred space, once set apart, habitually moves outward into all areas of life.

How is it that we allow the sacred space to stay with us as we move about the day? How is it that others can create that sacred space? Look at the image below. What is it that you see? Take a deep breath. Pause. Allow yourself to look at this image.


At first it looks like a fancy stain glass art in a church. But on second glance, and further study, it is the appearance of stained glass, but born out of graffiti. The panes are literally colored paint on a wall in the shape of what could be a grand presentation of stained glass art in a church. In the front is what I would assume is the artist with something in front of him, like a paint can. He is praying.  Is this sacred space? I would argue that this person has created a sanctuary or an altar, probably in a place in a city where it may be hard to see anything as sacred. I could imagine dilapidated buildings, boarded up houses and business, and dirty streets all around. But regardless, there is sacred space.

How about us? Do we live in a way that allows sacred space to follow us around during the day? Do we take it with us, helping us encounter God and others as the day passes? Can we see it where we are?  Or do we leave it behind, not to disturb it until we meet it once again.

Thought For The Day: Where is sacred space for me?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.