Inside Out

Today’s scripture: Romans 2:25-3:4 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be holy and righteous, but focusing more on the appearance, than struggling through the real, everyday life issues of becoming. Do my words and my outward appearance match what I am striving for, or where God wants me to be?

I want to be like Brother Lawrence, for he knew how to practice the presence of God. Even in the moments of doing the things he hated most (kitchen duty), he found joy in the Lord. But he lived in the 17th century, when life was much simpler, and in a monastery. Is that reason enough for me to fall short and expect less of myself?

I want to be like Julian of Norwich. In her book, Revelation of Love, she writes about experiences of her own life that reveal God to her and what these “showings” of God meant; to help her know God, to help her know herself better by God’s nature and grace, and that she humbly knows herself in her sin and feebleness. She says that, “a life lived in union with God is important — this life is a life of love, ultimately demonstrated by experience.” Am I willing to know myself better in my sin and feebleness? What does that look like? What will my experience show? What will people think?

I want to be like St. Teresa of Avilla. For she has written that when a person is possessed by God, this possession can be seen in the words a person speaks and their deeds of love which they do — the outer life will show this possession. This occurs when one wills to be God’s person completely. Love consists not in the person’s own happiness, but in the determination of the will to please God in everything and to love one’s neighbor. Can I really be like St. Teresa? Can I truly be God’s person?

Paul is not talking to me about the physical, outward circumcision in this passage. Paul is talking to me about what Lawrence, Julian, and Teresa were all striving for. What do I look like on the inside, and how does that make its way to the outside? What do I look like on the inside, how well do I know myself, and does that match where I am on the outside? Am I willing to know myself better in my sin and feebleness?

I don’t hear Paul telling me that I am supposed to flip a switch, and be at the pinnacle as a “whole person, fully mature in God” long before my 55thst birthday (gulp!). I hear Paul, and Lawrence, and Julian and Teresa all the same. Allow the possession of Jesus to take me on fully and let it grow. As I do, the outer life will show this possession. God, let me feel your grace, your forgiveness and help me in this process!

Thought for the day: What do you look like on the inside, and how does that match your outside? Ask God for growth as you continue on your spiritual journey.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.