The End?

Today’s scripture: Psalm 84 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Jeff Cope):

My wife and I foster animals that are awaiting adoption through a rescue organization. They’re mostly dogs, but we’ve run the gamut from ferrets to lizards. Some will stay with us a night or two, while others have taken up long-term residence. One of those that has been with us for some time is Mildred. She is an old, stubborn, aged-to-perfection Saint Bernard. “Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young” (verse 3).

When the organization found out about Mildred, her situation was dire. She was in a Chicago shelter after having been wandering the streets and eating garbage to survive. She was an absolute mess with little hope of being adopted. Given that she was a senior dog in such bad shape, she was put on the shelter’s list to be euthanized. During the waiting period, she was so depressed she stopped eating and would just lay on the floor of her kennel. After learning she would be put down, another volunteer made a mad dash to Chicago and got her out of there. She was just a couple of hours from being put down.

A few days later she came to stay with us. She was all of 60 pounds (very thin for a Saint Bernard) at the time and terribly dirty. We also found out that she was suffering from renal failure. It was not expected she would make it too long, given her health issues. Still, we pressed ahead with her as she was given a special diet and medicine to clear up an infection. As the days and weeks progressed, she started to put on weight and to come out of her shell.

Fast forward a little over a year and she’s almost 90 pounds. We also recently had her checked again and the renal failure has reversed! The vet said that is something that rarely happens. Mildred is doing great now and is as happy as a lark, as long as she gets her way.

To me, Mildred’s story is a true example of how God works in lives, fuzzy or otherwise. God brought Mildred out of a seemingly impossible situation and changed her circumstances overnight. The psalmist in this passage is also experiencing the same type of revelation: Keeping his hope on who God is, not on the circumstances at hand or putting his trust in others. “Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you” (verse 12).

Thought for the day: Place your faith and trust in our everlasting God, not the temporary circumstances currently surrounding you.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.