Food from Heaven

Today’s scripture: Exodus 16:1-12 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brenda Corbello):

After just a month and a half, these people had already gone through all of their supplies, and were beginning to fear for their future. They had been praying for years to be delivered from the evils of Egypt, and here they were, free to live as they pleased, and they were complaining already.

Sounds like a lot of the young adults I have known in my life. We all wanted desperately to be free of the rules and restrictions put on us by our parents. As soon as we move out, and begin to have to support ourselves, we quickly learn that freedom comes at a price. We have to make decisions based upon our newly limited resources. Have you ever wanted something so much, and then once you got it, then found out it wasn’t exactly all it was cracked up to be?

I can only imagine that the people of Israel felt a similar amount of frustration with their circumstances. They wanted to be free of the bondage of Egypt, and yet, when they were faced with the uncertainties of the wilderness, they began to long to for comfort of the pain they were familiar with. Just like us, they started to complain. They blamed everyone but themselves.

It was not until I was out on my own that I began to truly rely upon my faith to get me through each day. I learned that there are often very good reasons for some rules. I learned the importance of self-discipline. Through the years, I have come to believe that God loves me and wants what is best for me, and if I listen to that small voice in my prayers, God will provide everything that I truly need.

Thought for the day: Am I a “grown up” about my faith? Do I believe God is at work in me? Am I able to see past setbacks to God’s larger purpose?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.