Un-Conventional Warfare

Today’s scripture: Joshua 6:1-5 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

*Breaking News*

General Ray Odierno, the top US military commander in Iraq, has been catching heat today from Washington about his unconventional agenda to overthrow al Qaeda and the other insurgents who have gathered for strategy meetings within a compound in Baghdad.

According to inside sources, Odierno ordered his troops to march once around the 9-acre compound in silence, while the army band led the procession with a full trumpet cadence. This has gone on for the last six days in the same manner.

Meanwhile, Iraqi insurgents have been spotted peering out over the walls of the compound laughing and mocking the US troops, yet they have given no signs of retaliation with gunfire at this point.


Word has just been received from sources at the Pentagon that military troops just completed an unprecedented seventh lap around the compound in Baghdad today, and has ended with all the soldiers raising their voices in loud shouting. It appears that the waves of sound are so strong that they have penetrated the structure. It has been unable to withstand the pressure of these waves and the walls are literally crumbling down.

Caught completely by surprise, the insurgency was taken into custody by US troops with little force and the military has officially declared victory in what they are now calling Operation Desert March.

Sounds like a crazy strategy to me, but this is precisely what God instructs Joshua to do with his troops at the Battle of Jericho. The army must think he has lost his wits, but who are they to question their commanding officer? And what if Joshua would decide to ignore God altogether and generate a more conventional plan?

Before the battle occurs, Joshua has prepared his heart and sets his mind on conquering Jericho. He believes in the outcome before a plan is even conceived. In the book Conversations with God by Neale David Walsh, the author concludes: “When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that even before you ask, [God] has answered.” In fact, before Joshua even receives the battle plan or engages in war, God assures him saying: “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men,” as if victory has already been achieved.

Take some time to reflect today, considering these questions:

  • How many times in your life have you been asked to do something that seems completely irrational by your own commanding officer?
  • Have you been willing to listen and obey God’s orders when they seem completely contrary to your own plans or wisdom?
  • Are you open to achieving your goals by way of an unconventional route?
  • Have you given thanks in advance for the things you are confident God will do for you?

Prayer for the day: God, thank you for working in ways that allow me to prosper and grow. Help me to follow Your leading even when it’s not a straight line to the finish.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.