20/20 Vision

Today’s scripture: Numbers 13:25-33 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

This is one of my favorite stories! I have used it as a preaching text numerous times. It is all about perception. So I ask you today. “How is your vision?”

Recently, we adopted the two most amazing dogs: Clyde is a 100-lb, five-year-old yellow lab, and Dolly is a 55-lb, nine-month-old black lab/hound dog mix. I love to watch them play.

Dolly, who is considerably smaller and noticeable less gifted in the brains department than Clyde, is always attacking the big boy! Clyde, who is bigger and smarter, can’t believe that someone so small and not so bright is attacking him. He eventually gets tired of her persistence and gives in and plays just the way she wants. I ask you who is really bigger and smarter!

It is always about perception! Dolly doesn’t see herself as small. She thinks she is a big dog so she acts like a big dog!

Caleb and Joshua saw themselves as “big dogs.” They knew the land they were sent to spy in was theirs, and that they would have the ability to occupy it no matter what. The other ten spies saw themselves as “grasshoppers” and therefore unable to occupy their land.

The difference in their perception has to do with how they perceive God working in their lives. Caleb seems to understand that God’s power was within him and with that knowledge he could do whatever God called him to. The other ten hadn’t come to understand that God was at work within them, so they saw themselves as small and incapable of doing what God was calling them to.

So how do we see ourselves?

Thought for the day: I am left to ask myself the question: Am I a big dog or a grasshopper?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.

