Jesus Chooses Some Spiritual Leaders

Today’s scripture: Matthew 17:1-13 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brenda Corbello):

During this crazy time in the lives of Jesus and His disciples, Jesus plainly revealed His true nature (that of the Son of God) to just a few and told them to keep it a secret until He rose from the dead. I don’t know about you, but I do not enjoy having to keep a secret, especially if it is a really good one. I was intrigued — why would Jesus have done this? Why would He take just three of His disciples to a remote location to change His appearance to show Himself as God to them?

After much thought, I cannot help but think that it is possible that Jesus knew that His disciples would soon see Him suffer physically, and have their faith tested in the process. Maybe He did this so that these three men could be bolstered in their faith, and the others could at least draw on their strength.

It must have been very confusing for followers of Jesus at that time. It would be hard to know where to turn. Once Jesus was captured and put to death, there would be a need for the followers to have someone who could act as a spiritual leader for the disciples until Jesus revealed Himself again. These men would play a very important role during this time.

Lucky for us, we continue to have spiritual leaders among us today who have seen things that others have not seen, and who have experienced things that others have not experienced. Maybe they are here to bolster our faith when we are unsure. They play an important role in our lives. I know it is important for me to seek the company of people like this, and draw upon their faith when mine is tested.

Also notice that God told the men to listen to Jesus, and no one else. They did not need to rely upon the teachings of Moses anymore. Everything that had come before should be replaced with the teachings of Christ. Everything that had happened up to this point was for a reason, and now it was time for the New Covenant to be installed.

Jesus made sure that they understood that nothing that had been previously taught was wrong. He knew that they had been waiting for Elijah, just like they had been taught. He had another revelation for them. What they learned that day was that the prophesies had already been fulfilled, whether anyone recognized it or not. They knew of the man called John the Baptist, and knew that Jesus had allowed him to baptize Him. Now they understood why. The events of the past must have started to make more sense to them. It was time for a new way of understanding God. That day they were given all the tools they needed to be the spiritual leaders for their group during these very trying times.

This is another lesson to me that everything is taken care of. If I seek out the Truth through my spiritual leaders and my own study of the Word, I am sure to be guided in the right direction.

Thought for the day: When I am troubled and my faith is tested, do I turn to the spiritual leaders that have been provided for me? Lord, help me to remember where to turn when I am tested.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.