A Growing Faith

Today’s scripture: Matthew 17:14-21 (ESV-text and audio) (AMP) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

[Note that we’ve include the Amplified Bible today, instead of the King James Version. The Amplified uses the word “epilepsy” instead of the KJV’s “lunatic”. It’s a sore spot for me, based on my personal experience. I suffered a seizure once; but never was I a lunatic, despite what my editor may tell me.]

One fact that stands out to me about today’s reading is this: faith isn’t based on an accumulation of knowledge. It seems linked to taking an action with the conviction that something worthwhile is going to happen.

The father of the son who had epilepsy brought him to Jesus to be cured. This passage says nothing about the father’s background; he simply came to Jesus for help.

The disciples of Jesus who’d been with him for about three years hadn’t been able to cure the son, and they couldn’t figure out why. Jesus’ reply was about them not having sufficient faith. I used to fret and think, “Wow. If Jesus’ hand-picked crew didn’t have sufficient faith, then I’m forever out of luck.”

Now however, I believe Jesus was likely gently chiding his Special Dozen for small-thinking about their true potential. Verse 17 sounds like a variation of what we might phrase in the 21st century as, “People! What am I going to do with you? Wake up and pay attention; you won’t have me around here forever. Grow up!”

[Aside: Something I like about Jesus: his words remain fresh, true and relevant as much today as they did when he was on Earth in person thousands of years ago.]

So anyway. . . I think I have a better understanding of something from this. I’m a follower of Jesus; that’s a fact of faith for me. If I limit myself (and my actions) to the most basic of Christian actions, I’m still a follower of Jesus. However…

If I am willing to expand myself and grow my faith, then I can do greater and greater things (as long as my heart and intentions are in line with what Jesus taught.)

I do find this to be true in real life. Some months ago, I had a special encounter with God’s Holy Spirit. During part of the time, I said, “Okay God, I’m ready to start on the spiritual journey that you have in store for me.” Since that time, I’ve been tempted to fret about several situations, but I’ve tried to remember my agreement with God. It’s not always been easy. But you know what? Without exception, things have worked out sufficiently. Some outcomes have been just like I’d hoped for; some have been quite different. In the process, however, my trust in God has increased.

I may not be at a point right now where I could instantly cure someone’s major illness (and healing might not even be a gift that’s been given to me), but I do know this: it’s a wonderful feeling to experience a growing faith!

Thought for the day: Where am I on the Faith-o-Meter spectrum?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.