Marriage Made in Heaven

Today’s scripture: Matthew 19:1-12 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

Marriage is all the rage right now. We are in a point in our human history where some cultures are accepting an expansion in who can marry whom, and legally recognized marriage is not defined strictly by sex. I do not consider myself learned enough to debate whether or not gay marriage is biblically condoned. (However, I have not found any evidence that it is not.) But that is not where I want to go with this anyway. What I see in today’s passage are lessons about divorce.

Some Pharisees approached Jesus and asked if a man can divorce his wife for any reason he chooses. Today I believe we call that a No Fault Divorce — no one is at fault, they just want a divorce. Jesus tells them that the only reason a couple should divorce is infidelity. Then the Pharisees ask, why did Moses allow men to obtain divorces? Jesus’ answer to this question is where I believe the lessons are. “He said to them, ‘It was because you were so hard-hearted that Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.’” (Verse 8, NRSV).

As marriage equality becomes more of a reality, we need to think about divorce, too. And if we are followers of Jesus, it seems to me that we should follow the same principles as our heterosexual counterparts. Can we, for whatever reason, just pack it in and call it quits? Or are we seriously committed to our marriages? If so, then let our attitudes and behavior show it.

Do we respect our marriage enough not to stray? And do we respect another couple’s marriage enough to not become a home-wrecker? Are we willing to work through the tough times? Or will we go to “couples’ therapy” under the guise of trying to work things out, only to navigate the beginning of the end? Will we instead seek out the resources that help us stay married?

Marriage is both a private and a communal responsibility. If we see our friends having a rough time, will we gossip; will we take sides? Or will we watch their pets or children for a weekend so they can have some quality time alone? What can we do to keep each other from becoming hard-hearted toward each other? After all, we marry for love.

Thought for the day: How can I apply Christian values in my romantic relationship? How can I be helpful to other couples in our community so that their marriages are successful and fulfilling?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.