A Tale of Three Servants

Today’s scripture: Matthew 25:14-30 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Dawn Horn):

It is interesting to me how the servants are described. Two of the servants are called good and faithful. The remaining servant is described as lazy and unprofitable.

The servants’ destinations are also different; two enter into the joy of the Lord and the third is cast into the outer darkness, where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Their motivations are also different; the prosperous two reply “Lord, you delivered to me. . .” The fearful servant says “Lord, I knew you to be a hard (strict and stern) man. . .” The responsible servants realized the Lordship of their Master and desired to please. The third was fearful because he really didn’t know the Master.

The three had different gains from their assignment, each according to their own abilities. The first gained five more talents and returned to the Lord with ten. The second gained two more and returned with four. The third servant received only one talent and returned it without profit to his Master because he had hidden the investment in the ground. He says “Look, there you have what is yours.” The sad thing is the man could have received this opportunity, just like the other two, but he chose not to accept it. He could have doubled what was given to him and returned it to the Master as the others did.

I think his difficulty was that he didn’t believe in his Lord. He was fearful and lazy, so he thought he would do the least amount he could and that might be acceptable.

Doing the least wasn’t acceptable for him and it won’t be for us, either. When we love our Lord, we will trust and strive to please our Lord.

We each are given “according to our own ability.” Christ gave us all the resources, and the greatest gift, our salvation, if we will accept it and believe. Two received, one forfeited.

Prayer for the day: Lord Jesus, use us and the talents, gifts, and resources you have given to further your kingdom on earth and in our hearts. May we be Your scattered seed and produce abundantly for you. In Christ alone, Amen.

Writer’s note: Hello there! As the new kid on the block, I enter into this endeavor with great anticipation and trembling. When I think of assignment “due dates,” I think of pregnancy. Having never been pregnant, this should be interesting.

When Mary found out she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and after she saw Elizabeth, Mary said these words; “My soul magnifies the Lord, for he who is mighty has done great things for me.” I am in no way comparing myself to Mary, but I would echo her words. I am not really a writer but the Holy Spirit through me (and all of the other writers of the Be Still and Know) allows us to share thoughts, ideas, and truths inspired by the Spirit. May we all be pregnant with ideas and thoughts to share with others in this venue used by God. May it cause us to think, question, and respond to God’s Holy presence in our lives.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.