I Was in Need. . . and You Were There

Today’s scripture: Matthew 25:31-46 (ESV-text and audio) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brenda Corbello):

I have often heard the saying that we may be the only experience of Christianity that someone may encounter. This has motivated me to be a genuine source of kindness when dealing with others, even if I did not actually feel loving at the moment. To me, this was about being a kind and giving person in order to set a good example of what God’s love looks like. I was taught as a young child that I would never want to be the cause for anyone else to stumble. I was taught, as the oldest child in my household, that it was a privilege to set a good example. And if there is anything I desire to be a good example of, it would be God’s love.

What I am hearing in this passage is a bit different.  I am hearing that when I am behaving in a kind and generous manner, I may be more than just an example of God’s love, but also may be actually sharing my love with God. It is somewhat overwhelming to think that my actions can be both a sign of God’s love, as well as a gift of love to God. It certainly motivates me to try to behave in a more loving manner every day.

The problem with this for me is that it cannot be something that I believe in theory, but do not actually practice in my daily life. I must actively seek out the strength and courage to do the things that are listed in this passage. When I see someone hungry, I must feed them. This includes feeding someone mentally and spiritually, as well as physically. This requires time on my part when I may not feel like I have the time. I can never be too busy to spend time with someone who needs to be fed spiritually. This is a tall order for me.

The passage also says that when I see someone homeless, I must give them a room. I am not exactly sure what this means to me. I certainly do not believe that I am being asked to open the doors of my home to everyone I see living on the streets. I do think that we are being asked to be generous with what we have been given. I do believe that there are many people we come in contact with every day who do not feel like they belong anywhere. I do feel called to reach out to these people and try to make them feel welcome, and to feel a sense of belonging. Maybe that is what I get from that part of the scripture.

The main theme I hear in this passage is that I should recognize the weak around me, and attempt to be of assistance when I can. I have been blessed in my life. I am grateful for the things I have and the people in my life. It is a gift to be able to share this feeling with those who do not feel as fortunate.

Thought for the day: God, help me to recognize need when I see it, and to have the courage to try to fill that need in any way I can.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.