
Today’s scripture: Matthew 26:47-56 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Dawn Horn):

Judas was not Christ’s only betrayer; he was one of a multitude that day. These verses deal with many people and their betrayal of Jesus. Many had heard Jesus teach in the temple. The chief priests, the elders, the soldiers, the servant of the high priest, yes, even his disciples deserted him and fled that day.

Christ knew that if he only gave the word, God would send twelve legions of angels. Christ knew violence was not the answer. He immediately stopped the one who drew the sword, and even restored the ear that had been severed, healing even in the midst of His pain. The only one who did not betray was Jesus. He came to do God’s will and to fulfill the scriptures as foretold by the prophets.

This brings up many questions for me. Do we as followers of Jesus betray him too? Do we break our promises? Do we treat others as we would want to be treated? Do we spend time alone with our Savior? Do we make excuses to him and others when we have opportunities for service? I am guilty.

There is a song by Ray Boltz entitled Feel the Nails. The chorus goes like this;

Does He still feel the nails every time I fail?
Can He hear the crowd cry, ‘Crucify’ again?
Am I causing him pain?
Then I know I’ve got to change.
I just can’t bear the thought of hurting him.

Prayer for the day: Our Savior and Lord, Jesus, thank you for not betraying us. Thank you for finishing the work you were sent to accomplish. Thank you for your love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Help us, Lord, to remain faithful and true to you in every circumstance. May our prayer be “I just can’t bear the thought of hurting You.” In Christ alone, Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.