My Life Sucks

Today’s scripture: Psalm 4:6-8 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

Many are asking, “Who can show us any good?” (vs.6)

Can it get any worse?

I can’t believe this is happening to me!

What now?

This must be what the bottom of the barrel looks like.

Your turn — fill in the blank with one of your favorite “woe is me” sayings. Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone (aka dumping on) about “how terrible things are with you”, saying something like, “you’ll never believe what happened now?” You fully expect them to gently nod, affirming your words and feelings and you don’t even mind when they interrupt to share their own “I’m a victim too!” story.

Wait a minute! Did I hear you correctly? Did you say “victim”? Excuse me just a minute while I reach through this computer and slap you!Yep, that’s how I felt and what I wanted to do some time ago when “a voice of compassion and truth” said, “My friend, I know your story. I know all about your life. What I only want to know right now is ‘how would you like today and all of your tomorrows to look?”‘ Awkward silence. Awkward silence. Awkward silence.

Because this is a daily devotional and not my autobiography I’ll simply have to say — my life hasn’t been the same since that day. It was time to make a choice. Do I volunteer to remain a “victim” to mishaps, tragedies and calamities? Do I allow a self-fulfilling prophecy to manifest and sabotage my tomorrows by repelling love, deferring happiness, attracting illness or injuries, and even pronouncing a death sentence on my financial or business success? I finally “got it”! I had been selling my “victim” story so well to everyone that I had become an expert at following the script.

My programming (aka personal experiences in life to date) created my core beliefs, which have directed the development of my vision for my life. Here’s the kicker — that vision has been creating the results that conformed to it! (As a man thinks….so is he, was now to become a phrase of meaning rather than a platitude.)

Every day seems to bring incredible wonderful truth regarding those aspects of life that typically generated negative feelings and thoughts. Paul in Philippians 4:4-9 must have “got it” when he instructed the Christians on the power of thought as the key to gaining inner peace and joy. That joy will eventually crowd out the weeds and bring light to the shadows in the garden of our mind.

Do this little exercise and see what comes of it: Think of all of those “woe is me” memories, events, circumstances, etc. that have served to imprison you and dictate your future life. Who is the one person who was always present at each broken relationship, at each failed business or miserable job, at every illness or every issue that prompts the “my life sucks” announcement?

Who? Could it possibly be that WE have chosen to be the architect of our own “victimhood”?

You and I are children of the Creator of the Universe. Don’t you think this Absolute Power can equip you and me with the spiritual energy (Spirit) to rise above and “think on those spiritual truths, principles, and values which will guard our hearts and minds” enabling us to overcome, to increase our self-esteem, to recognize our value and significance? Our today and our tomorrows depend on our spiritual mentality. And by the way, our ability to be disciples of our Lord, ministering to one another, is absolutely dependent on our own spiritual health.

One of the wonderful and significant benefits of is provided in verse 8 of today’s scripture text — “I will lie down and sleep in peace.”

Thought and prayer for the day: Lord Jesus, bring peace and harmony to my thoughts, let me come face to face with any beliefs I have that are lies, that keep me in fear, depressed, and in low self-esteem. Through the power of your Spirit, awaken me to the truth that I can do anything — including choosing to think, believe, and act like an overcomer!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.