The Light Has Gone Out!

Today’s scripture: (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Just the other night as I was tucking my youngest daughter into bed she asked me a puzzling question. “Mama, would you still love me if there were a devil in me?” I was taken aback by this question. I quickly assured her I loved her no matter what. Then I began to try to figure out where the question came from.

I thought perhaps she had watched a movie that wasn’t appropriate. Turns out though, she had been reading the Bible. She started telling me the story of Jesus meeting a girl with a “devil” inside of her. I asked her if I could share some context, and I then began to explain that back in those days when people acted strangely and did really odd stuff they thought a demon had possessed them. I assured her that, with the advances of science, we now know that there are times when one’s brain gets sick and causes you to act in odd ways. If that would ever happen we would go to the doctor and get help.

She seemed comforted by this knowledge. She sighed and I mistakenly thought the conversation was over, but then came this gem. With exasperation on her face, her hands in the air in an I-give-up-manner, she exclaimed, “I’m done reading the Bible!”

My daughter reminded me how important it is to read the Bible with help and in context! She also reminded me how frustrating Bible reading can be! So if you are getting frustrated with the Bible, know you are not alone! I know, for me sometimes, it feels like the light has burned out — so to speak — of the word! I know I tread on dangerous ground saying so, but I feel I might not be alone. I have had times, when like my youngest daughter, I have said “I’m not reading that book anymore!”

If you can relate, take heart. It isn’t the end of the world. It is usually a beginning of rediscovery for me. I take time away. I honor my spirit and let it lead in new directions. Those new direction have always brought me back to a new place with the Bible. Sometimes a better place and other times a more puzzling place, yet I come back.

I guess what spirit is teaching me is to be real about where I am, and trust the spirit’s leading to take me in the directions I need to go!

Thought for the day: Am I ready to give up Bible reading? Or am I ready to give it another try? Or am I ready to read it differently?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.