Stink’n Think’n

We’re looking at scriptures related to the Building Blocks, spiritual practices we can adapt and use to “practice the presence of Christ.” Read more info about the blocks, or download the Soul Care Plan. Today’s Block is “Q” for Quiet Time.

Today’s scripture: Philippians 4:4-8 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

Reading these verses reminded me how powerful our thoughts are. So much of our day is determined by our thinking.

In AA circles they have the concept of “Stink’n Think’n”, which refers to one’s thoughts being focused on everything but recovery! It is hard to get sober when your thoughts are taking you down paths of worry, desire, fear, and doubt, to name a few.

Recently, I have experienced stink’n think’n in my spiritual life. My focus has not been on staying in the present. My focus was not on what was true, or noble or right or pure. I couldn’t live in the joy that verse 4 describes because my mind was racing to worry and fear.

What has been helping me to regain my perspective and to settle my mind so I can live in joy has been to practice yoga. Discovering yoga has been a wonderful way for me to learn to focus my mind on just the things these verses are describing. I tried yoga years ago, but I guess it wasn’t for me at that point. (I was thrown out of class for giggling and cutting up.)

This time I discovered yoga via a kindergarten class that does yoga every day before they start their afternoon work. I joined them on a lark, but soon stayed because I felt my soul healing and my mind refocusing on what was real. I am discovering that during yoga, my mind settles and I am able to focus my spirit on everything verse 8 describes! I am going to continue using yoga as my quiet reflective time for now. It is bringing discipline to my spirit and joy to my soul — and occasionally a “pain in the neck.” 😉

Thought for the day: If your mind races through quiet time, are you open to new quiet time alternatives? What practice might work for you?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.