Just Do It!

We’re looking at scriptures related to the Building Blocks, spiritual practices we can adapt and use to “practice the presence of Christ.” Read more info about the blocks, or download the Soul Care Plan. Today’s Block is ?, The Mystery Block.

Today’s scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tammy Mills):

An important building block for my spirit is Play. It may sound a bit odd, but I find it essential to my spiritual and mental health. Something good happens to me when I play. It frees my mind and my spirit. It puts me more in touch with my body and, well… frankly, it is fun to play.

I wrestled with this building block for a long time. I knew it was essential to my spirit, but I was raised up to never consider “play” a part of my spiritual journey. It has taken years, but I have let go of the strict religious upbringing guilt! Now I play for fun — I play for my spirit!

Recently my family and I went to the “big play room” at my school. We spent an hour hula hooping and playing football. We laughed, we challenged each other, and we taunted each other. We just had the best time playing. (Daughter number two and I are an amazing football team!) This play time reminded me again of how important play is to the spirit!

When I laugh and let go and have a good time, the energy that comes in my body is healing and empowering for the journey. There is plenty of sound research out there that talks about the importance of play to our well-being! Google it!

What does play look like for you? It might be a walk on a sunny day, or building a model ship, or heading out for a night of dancing! What ever “play” is for you I challenge you to make it an essential building block for your spirit! As today’s scripture reminds us, there is a time for everything! Even play!

Thought for the day: Many of the Building Blocks are about “work”. What do you do to recharge or for play?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.