Word of Honor

Today’s scripture: 1 Samuel 3:1-20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Brent Walsh):

If you grew up in Sunday School, you’re surely familiar with the story of Samuel who mistook the voice of God for the voice of Eli, the high priest with whom he lived. After some initial confusion, Samuel acknowledged the voice of the Lord.

This is where the familiar lesson I heard as a child ends. But if we read on, we will see “the rest of the story.” We see the words of the Lord as he vows to punish the house of Eli for the blasphemy of his sons. They would all die before they had a chance to reach old age! Samuel lies in bed all night, and I can imagine him tossing and turning with this burdensome news. He was afraid to tell Eli what God had said. But in the morning Eli insists that Samuel tell him everything.

Imagine how much courage it must have taken for Samuel to be honest about what the Lord had said! Samuel probably loved Eli and his family, since Eli was the closest thing to a father as it appears he had. Wouldn’t he have wanted to spare the old man the bad news? Wouldn’t he at least have wanted to soften the blow by omitting some of the details? But the text says that Samuel “told him everything and hid nothing from him.”

So many times we find ourselves tempted to hide the truth from someone we care about. Maybe we fear that our loved one will think that we are wishing ill upon them. Maybe we fear that the honest truth will tip poor granny into the grave, considering her heart condition and all. Or maybe we hope that if we say nothing, nothing will happen.

But if we look to Samuel as our example, we see that speaking the truth brings about trustworthiness in the eyes of God and our community. If we speak words of honor, God will honor our words.

Thought for the day: What honest, honorable words — even those that are difficult — do I need to speak?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.

A message from Pastor Jeff for those who live far from our Church