The Search Is On

Today’s scripture: John 1:43-51 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

Isn’t it a terrible feeling to look for something and not be able to find it?

In today’s scripture we read rather matter-of-factly that Jesus decided to go to Galilee where “he found Phillip” and said to him, “Follow me.” What I love about the statement “He found Phillip” is that it implies that Jesus was looking for Phillip. Can you find what you’re not looking for? If so, how do you know you’ve found it? Surely Jesus knew exactly what he was doing — looking specifically for Phillip.

After some unsuccessful attempts to conceive, my spouse and I decided to seek adoption as an option for parenthood. We went through the adoption protocols: home study, classes, criminal history check, and all the rest. Then we were told to wait for 18 months until a birthmother chose us to adopt her child. We put all our expectations on hold; we put the idea of having a baby mostly out of our minds so we wouldn’t be continually disappointed.

After just 6 weeks, when the thought of having a baby was beginning to disappear from our radar screen, we got the call that changed our lives. A birthmother had chosen us for her baby boy who was born earlier that day. Suddenly we were parents; the one for whom we had been looking found us!

Just as it was not an accident for our little boy to come into our family, the scripture seems to imply that it was no accident that Jesus found Phillip. It was Jesus who decided to go to Galilee, perhaps specifically to find who he was looking for. Jesus was on a mission and Phillip’s life would never be the same after this encounter. Phillip surely had no idea that Jesus was looking for him; I mean, who would think that the one who Moses and the prophets wrote about would be looking for you!

You and I are too often like Phillip, unaware that Jesus is on a mission to find us and to invite us to follow him daily. We may not even realize we are lost until after we are found. Can you consider the possibility that maybe Jesus is looking specifically for you, just like he was Phillip? Jesus is looking to give you the peace and joy that comes with following him, he is looking to show you the great things he speaks of later in this passage. Open yourself to be found.

Thought for the day: In what ways is Jesus seeking me out? How can I make myself more “findable”?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.

A message from Pastor Jeff for those who live far from our Church