Dark Night

Today’s scripture: John 3:1-21 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

One Sunday when I was a teenager, an altar call was offered at my church and I went forward to commit to follow Jesus. Afterward, the pastor asked me why I had not talked about it with him first. My response was that I did not know I was supposed to talk to anyone but God about it. I had been praying about and it never occurred to me to ask anything. I was not an avid church goer before this time, and I was there by myself. No other family members came to church with me. I don’t think I really knew what I was “supposed” to do. It felt safe for me to come forward at that time. The Holy Spirit prompted me and I responded.

I find it interesting that in today’s passage, Nicodemus comes to talk to Jesus in the night. Just as it was for me, it seems this was a time and place that felt safe for Nicodemus. Even though Nicodemus was a Pharisee (who were not all that wild about this Jesus), he came forward to talk to Jesus and acknowledged that Jesus was from God. It was as if Nicodemus was afraid to be seen in the light of day with Jesus, but felt safe in the dark of the night.

In other encounters with Pharisees, Jesus is questioned and challenged. Nicodemus wanted to know more about what Jesus had to offer. Later in the book of John, Nicodemus comes to the defense of Jesus before his trial, and then we see that he prepared Jesus’ body before it is placed in the tomb. It seems this encounter with Jesus ultimately changes Nicodemus.

I frequently hear stories about people coming to know Jesus during the “dark times.” Not necessarily at night, but metaphorically speaking, the dark, difficult, broken times in life. The Dark Night of the Soul is a poem by Saint John of the Cross, a Carmelite priest. This poem describes a journey that occurs during the night, which represents the hardships and difficulties the soul meets before reaching God. I have heard many stories about how people reach out to Jesus during the difficult times of life; when we are cracked and fragile and we need restoration, safety, a place of rest, and a place of comfort; God’s grace, love, and forgiveness. It is at this place where many find Jesus and are able to be born again, after reaching the lowest depths, and allowing God’s grace and forgiveness to bring new life.

I can imagine Nicodemus, like John of the Cross, was having a Dark Night of the Soul. He was tormented by what he thought he was supposed to do in following all the rules and looking the part, and he saw the contrast with what God was calling him to be. When we each respond to Jesus’ call to follow him, God’s grace and forgiveness can provide us a rebirth that allows us to start anew.

Prayer for the day: God, please help me in my dark nights, those difficult times where I feel all alone, broken, confused, and helpless. Jesus, please come to me and give me new life that will help sustain me, and seek more the life that God has in store for me.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.

A message from Pastor Jeff for those who live far from our Church