For This, I Came!

Today’s scripture: John 12:27-36 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Tommy Chittenden):

Earlier this year, I was driving home from an evening of deep conversations with a group of friends. You know the kind of conversation — when you get in the car it’s still going on in your head, trying to make sense of it all. I really love those moments.

Often, when it’s late and I’m struggling to stay awake, I’ll turn on the car radio and listen to George Noory or Art Bell on Coast to Coast. I love those moments too.

This particular evening there was a man (sorry, I never did get his name) who was talking about the “mystic convergence” of each of our births, a theme that was closely related to the one I thought had been concluded when my friends and I said our goodbyes just a few minutes earlier. He shared a legend that babies, in the womb, are given all the secrets of the Universe by God. But, just before they are born, God whispers “Shhh, don’t tell,” plants a kiss on a finger, and places it just under our nose — creating the indentation above our lips.

The questions of the evening that had kept us so enthralled were along these lines: Did Jesus know, as a child, that he would one day die on the cross? When did he actually learn of his destiny? Some may remember one of the intriguing questions raised in one of Pastor Jeff’s sermons: Was it Mary, who over lunch or during a bath or while kissing him goodnight, told her son what was in his future?

We do know, from scripture, that Jesus knew about some things before they would happen. Remember when he predicted Peter would find a piece of money in the mouth of a fish (Matthew 17:24-27). Another time, as Jesus ate with the apostles, he predicted Judas would betray him (John 13:18-26). He then predicted that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed (John 13:36-38). All of these things happened just as Jesus said they would.

So was there anything he did not know while he was on Earth? He did not know when the time of his second coming would be. He said himself, “Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32). This obviously was a piece of information that God chose not to reveal to Jesus while in his human state.

In our scripture today it is clear that he predicted his death, but there isn’t any conclusive proof of when he first knew he would die, on a cross, for all of humanity. Regardless of when he first learned it, what must have been going through his mind, knowing he would be crucified, while innocent?

In the two years I’ve had the privilege of serving men who have been incarcerated in the Indiana Department of Corrections, there has only been one man I’ve worked with who maintains his innocence yet today. To listen to him talk about his internal thoughts and challenges to forgiveness that he deals with all the time causes me to be even more grateful for the intention and commitment that Jesus made, knowing he was innocent, yet choosing to yield to his Father’s will that you and I might know the most amazing gift ever — the gift of amazing graze.

Thought for the day: Jesus, I once again lift you up in praise and with gratitude with the awareness that as I do, you are glorified again and again. You paid a debt you did not owe. I owed a debt I could not pay. Amazing grace!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.