
Today’s scripture: John 12:37-43 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

Reading from the book of John, what keeps popping out at me is the word “signs.” It’s all over this book. Perhaps the theme of John is the prophecy surrounding Jesus — from the very beginning of Judaism, through his life, and beyond into today. Clearly, signs were important to the early believers.

We don’t put much stock in signs these days. We raise our eyebrows and roll our eyes at people who do. If conditions can not be recreated, producing the same results over and over again, then outcome is simply random coincidence. Rational people expect rational results, not coincidence. Coincidence is nothing more than lucky chaos.

I’ve heard that coincidence is where God chooses to remain anonymous. How many times do we experience coincidence and still walk around with our eyes shut?

Here’s an example. While driving on vacation with a friend, we missed a turn. My friend who was driving spent a moment berating herself for miss-navigating a tricky intersection. We ended up going in the wrong direction. Correcting the mistake was no big deal. We were able to turn around easily and get back on the right street. Meanwhile, something inside of me felt like it was good; because of that minor delay we may have avoided a mishap. A few miles along that feeling was confirmed as we came upon an accident. A car was flipped over; its wheels still rolling. People had already stopped, help was being called. Had we not missed our turn, we might have been involved in that accident.

It seems to me that we are missing out on God’s glory if we close our eyes and harden our hearts to God’s signs. Confessing such may “put us out of the synagogue.” But by turning away from what we see, we miss the opportunity for gratitude and get a less fulfilling faith. I am eternally grateful for all the glory I’ve been shown through signs, big and small. I hope always to keep my eyes and heart open for God’s signs.

Thought for the day: Lord, show me what you want me to see. Grant me the wisdom to use your truth honorably, to your glory, and always with love.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.