The Greater Good

Today’s scripture: John 13:36-38 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Julie Walsh):

I am a type-A personality, an ESFP on the Myers-Briggs, a type-1 perfectionist on the enneagram; and I have always loved making plans. Planning worship, planning retreats, planning parties, planning my wedding, and even planning the timing for adding children into the family fold.

When Brent and I decided the time was right, we did our homework to find a suitable donor and a reputable fertility clinic in town. I diligently followed the doctor’s nutritional advice, tracked temperature and ovulation patterns, and took the hormone pills at the recommended hour each day. After numerous attempts, including a miscarriage, it was evident that our plan was not God’s plan.

Sometimes we are just so eager, so determined, and completely convinced. We even feel a bit foolish when it doesn’t work out exactly as we had announced so it may drive us even more to make it happen. But sometimes it’s not always in our best interest or in the timing God desires for us.

Peter had a plan that he was convinced of, but he could not have walked in the steps of Jesus. I also don’t sense, from this passage, that Jesus used a critical tone when he advised Peter that not only could he not walk in his footsteps, but informed him of his impending denial as well. It was simply a fact that was to be.

Peter did go on to deny Jesus. But that same Peter went on, after Christ’s resurrection, to preach to the nations and died a martyr for Jesus’ name. God knew the greater good.

Brent and I would, indeed, like to start a family… someday. As much as I would like for it to have already happened, I realize that it may have prevented us from walking on the path we have currently chosen toward future ministry. God has already put the seed in our minds and in our hearts, so I have to believe that when the time is right we will be directed to move forward with our family plan once again.

Thought for the day: Even the areas of life where you feel God moving and leading may not work out exactly as you plan or in the timing you expect. Be flexible enough to remember that only God knows the greater good.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.