More Able Than You Know

Today’s scripture: 1 Samuel 17:31-58 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts on this passage (Tammy Mills):

This image of David — all decked out in King Saul’s garb, a boy trying to wear the armor of a warrior — always makes me laugh. He must look ridiculous, like a kid playing dress-up. We know from the reading that he feels goofy wearing all that stuff. He takes it off and goes into battle with Goliath simply as himself.

David didn’t need Saul’s armor or fancy weapons. What he needed to win the battle was to simply be himself and use the gifts he knew he had. How many times in life do we avoid the giants because we think we don’t have what we need to defeat them? This passage today reminds my heart that I am enough for God and I can use what I have to work in God’s service. I don’t have to wear someone else’s stuff or pretend I am something I am not.

Many things in our life can give us the message that we are not good enough. Scripture seem to send us the opposite message. God continues to use folks, flaws and all, to bring the kingdom of God to earth. I even wonder if it isn’t our imperfections that qualify us for service — but that’s a discussion for another day. The skill David had acquired tending sheep and his sling shot, coupled with God’s power, were more than enough to defeat Goliath!

We are enough. God can use us exactly as we are!

Thought for the day: Tell yourself you are enough. Remind yourself that you and God are an unstoppable force!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.