Lead Me, Lord

Today’s scripture: Joshua 1:8-9 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

Talk about a daunting task for Joshua: leading his entire nation of people into their new home! In verses 1-7, God had appointed Joshua to take over as Israel’s leader following the death of Moses and also gave him this monumental assignment.

I can’t begin to imagine how I’d pull off such a Herculean task all by my li’l ol’ self, but Joshua did manage to do it. Oh, wait a minute… I just figured out why it was a success: “…the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (v9). Yeah, that’s the reason; Joshua didn’t do it all by himself!

Too often I seem to forget this very real fact. In our present day and age, God is still with us — via the Holy Spirit. Jesus said so himself (John 14:26).

How do you sense when God is speaking to you?

For myself, I try to align my thoughts and actions with the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). If something seems to contradict these characteristics, then I’m highly suspicious of it. There are additional ways which may be unique to an individual as well.

Here’s a personal example. Some of the Be Still and Know devotionals I share practically write themselves. Sometimes, however, I have a really difficult time knowing how to handle the scripture that has been assigned. It’s at these times that God consistently grants me an extra assurance of the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

A number of possible ideas will come to mind about how and what to write. As the ideas pass through my mind one at a time, one — and only one — makes me become teary-eyed. As soon as another idea comes to mind, the tears stop. Whenever that same idea comes around again, the tears start up again. I know wholeheartedly which idea to use.

If you have a special way of knowing what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do in various areas of your life, why not share those experiences with others?

Thought for the day: As my friend Jackie used to say, “God hasn’t brought you this far just to dump you!”

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.