Across the Ages

Today’s scripture: Proverbs 23:29-35 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Cheryl Stonestreet):

I remember the first time I heard someone read this passage. I nearly fell off my chair. How true this passage still is! It is heartbreaking to watch someone we love crash and burn because of an addictive disease. It’s even worse when there are innocent children in the line of fire.

Today we know a little more about addiction and addictive personality. Thankfully too today, we have a better handle on treating problems of addiction. I have had the great fortune to know many people in 12 Step programs. I have seen the miracle of hazy addicts turn, in time, into clear eyed, productive people. In all of these people, one thing is common; they have found a Loving God.

Many have returned to church or are coming for the first time in their lives, all because they have a new thirst — to learn more about this Loving God. When they walk in the door, what do they see? What does any newcomer see? Are we truly welcoming? Or are we so tied up in our own lives and agendas that we are distracted from Christ’s true message? There is life anew, for any and all who seek it.

Thought for the day: Lord, when someone new comes into my path, let me listen to them and treat them with the same gentleness and love you have shown me when I was so raw and vulnerable. Lord, let me be an instrument of thy peace.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.