The Time Made Right

Today’s scripture: Luke 1:26-38 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (John Seksay):

Today’s passage is one of the most often read and widely studied passages of the New Testament: the Annunciation to Mary that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit. I greeted this assignment with some skepticism. What could I possibly say about the words of Gabriel? What new spin could I put on Mary’s reply? None!

Then I read the passage again. “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God…” Hmmm. In the sixth month of what calendar? The source of this timetable is shared with Mary: her kinswoman Elizabeth, previously “barren,” has conceived in her old age, and is in her sixth month of pregnancy! So, what’s happening to Mary is actually timed to synchronize with what is happening with her kinswoman.

Curiously, my insight on this situation comes out of the arguments surrounding some recent abortion legislation. A fetus born prematurely at less than 20 weeks will not survive, it is too underdeveloped. But by 24 weeks, it is developed enough to have a fair chance at making it to maturity outside the womb. In medical terms, it may not have reached full maturity, but it is viable. In those four weeks, the odds for survival climb to 50% at 24 weeks by current statistics and improve steadily thereafter. That’s 24 weeks, or just under, hmmmm… six months.

So the angel Gabriel was NOT sent to Mary until Elizabeth’s fetus was old enough to have a solid chance of being born. If, indeed, all things are possible with God, why the patient staging of events? I understand the need to supply the predicted Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness, John the Baptist. The birth had to happen to fulfill the prophecies of scripture. But hadn’t God done the same for Abraham and Sarah? Wasn’t conception enough to release Gabriel?

I see more depth to the word “barren” now. It literally means that Elizabeth had never born a living child. It doesn’t mean that she has never been pregnant. I have three wonderful children, but I still cherish the memory of my other child, the child that almost was. Everything stopped spontaneously some time in the fourth month for our family. I have a daughter that I have only seen in my dreams! I wonder how many times Zechariah and Elizabeth had their hopes dashed before the birth of John. Given the fragile vessel chosen for John’s birth, Gabriel was apparently restrained until the outcome was well assured! So the story of the Annunciation to Mary is linked to the story of Elizabeth in the words of Luke, establishing the pattern of scriptural pre-destiny between John and Jesus.

How would this news have affected Mary? She would certainly receive a spiritual boost from the knowledge of what was happening to Elizabeth. Here was an amazing fact to help Mary adjust to the incredible future being revealed to her. Here was inspiration for Mary’s faith to accept such an amazing responsibility into her own life. As Jesus so often emphasized, it is a person’s faith in God’s power that releases that power to work in one’s life. Without the sense of assurance that comes from faith, we are hobbled by doubts in all we attempt. In a trying world, that can be enough to keep a miracle from happening, but one shining example can make a huge difference!

Thought for the day: Whose example has nurtured my faith to help release God’s power in my life? Have I expressed my gratitude to them and to God? Whom in turn can I nurture by example?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.