Scared You, Didn’t I?!

Today’s scripture: Luke 2:8-20 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Did you ever wonder why the angel’s appearance scared the shepherds — why the glory of the Lord terrified them? As 2 Timothy says, God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. And as 1 John says, God is love — so why were they afraid? Wouldn’t God’s representatives have an appearance which immediately communicated love, strength, and reassurance, before even a word was spoken? Why wouldn’t the perception be something like what so many people report who have died and come back to life — that bright, enveloping light which emanates total love and reassurance? It sounds almost as if the angel appeared in a scary Halloween-type costume surrounded by a terrifying light show, then removed it and said, “Ha! Scared you, didn’t I? Just trying to liven up your evening! Got a great message from God for you — listen up!”

Maybe the extraordinary brightness caught the shepherds off guard, and they were afraid it was an evil spirit rather than God Almighty who was zapping a catstrophe right in front of their eyes. Maybe they were afraid God was trying to punish them for their sins. But, Jesus would come to teach the shepherds, and all of us, that there’s seldom a good reason to be afraid of God. In fact, I dare say that if you love the Lord more than anything else and are doing the best you can to live a life that’s pleasing to God while extending God’s kindness to others, then there’s absolutely no reason to be afraid.

Don’t you love the shepherd’s response to the good news: “Lets go now!” They didn’t want to waste any time! Their hearts were set on doing what the angel told them to do. Even though they were terrified at first, they were now ready to jump into God’s plan with both feet. What a great lesson for us!

It reminds me of when I was in college, and I was offered the opportunity to move into a house for a semester with eleven other Christians. I was terrified at giving up my privacy, having to share a bedroom with three other men, and being challenged by the leaders of the group to become involved in all the activities, one of which was to get up at 6:00 am once every twelve days and prepare breakfast for everyone in the house! But, like the shepherds, I wanted to go and see the great things God was doing — I was starving for a God-centered life, and this was my chance to go for it. I learned more about self-discipline, love, grace, teamwork, and bonding with others who are different from me than I ever would have if I had continued living with my one familiar roommate, or moved into my own place, which I had considered.

I figure we’ve all had times when we’ve shrunk back from opportunities God has given us which would enable us to grow spiritually. I know I have. But, the love of Christ is such a tremendously powerful motivator, it often fills us with such desire to love and live for God, we “take the plunge!” As 1 Corinthians 5:14 says, the love of Christ “urges us on” (NRSV); it “compels us” (NKJV); it “drives us” (Wycliffe Bible).

Thought for today: Thank you, Lord Jesus. Your give me courage! You give me guts! You even give me mercy when I chicken out! I love you, O Lord my strength!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.