I’m The Greatest!

Today’s scripture: Luke 22:24-30 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Ratings and competition are a vital part of life, aren’t they? Managers look at production stats in order to create a ranking of their workers, to determine who gets the raises (and how much), who gets promoted, demoted, or fired. There are rankings for lawyers, universities, hospitals, billionaires, television shows, movies — even churches!

The disciples lived in a different, perhaps less-competitive age, but they still had strong urges to be the greatest. Why? It’s a fascinating question. Yes, they were friends, but they weren’t buddy-buddy to the point they never argued about who was the best, even at the Last Supper! Part of the reason, I believe, is that Jesus had just brought up an extremely tense issue — an unnamed betrayer was sitting among them. He knew it was necessary to bring this difficult issue out in the open so everyone would know. They naturally began to ask each other who this could possibly be. Maybe Peter piped up, “Hey, guys, you know it couldn’t be me! The greatest disciple of all betraying the Lord — c’mon!”

And Jesus’ response? Masterful! Again, he turns our assumptions upside down. The greatest among them is actually the least — the one who serves — not the one who “lords it over” people. It’s almost like he’s saying, “Anybody can boss people around! It’s the one who has the heart to serve who’s the most valuable to God!” Then, he beautifully compliments them on standing by him in his trials, followed by a bombshell: someday they will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. He had a lofty regard for each and every disciple! No rankings needed!

While ratings and rankings are helpful for certain areas of life, God has different criteria for us. Are we doing our best?

This reminds me of the artists who aren’t able to use their hands, and use their mouths and feet instead. Have you ever seen their work? They produce some exquisite art. The MFPA website shows some beautiful examples. Their paintings are gorgeous in my eyes — even more inspiring than what usually hangs on museum walls!

Thought for the day: God, thank You for choosing ALL of us to be holy and blameless before you in love (Ephesians 1:4)! No rankings needed!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.