Six Key Words

Today’s scripture: Luke 22:31-34 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Ben Lamb):

Six words of this passage that I’d always glossed over when hurriedly zooming through it in previous times (as I too often do when reading the Bible) have turned out to be the crux of today’s focus. (My, oh my, how it amazes me what I learn when I take the time to give the Bible and God a decent amount of time instead of just a few throw-away crumbs of it.)

“…when once you have turned back…”

In 21st-century hindsight, it seems plain as day to me that Jesus was flat-out telling Peter that he (Peter) was definitely going to be turning away at some future point in time. Jesus didn’t say, “just in case” or “if”; but “when”. That sounds quite definitive to me. Was Peter truly oblivious to Jesus’ words? Did he understand them yet wanted to argue the point with a 1st-century version of the pious and boastful, “Oh no you didn’t just say that! [Snap, snap!]”? Was he momentarily daydreaming about what he hoped he could do?

I admire the fact that Jesus didn’t reply with a snippy, “Listen, bub. I’m the Son of God. Do you think I don’t know what I’m talkin’ about?” Instead, Jesus proceeded to give Peter the concrete example of exactly how Peter would turn away, without putting any judgmental spin on it.

But, I also see these same six words in a very positive light. They tell me equally clearly that Jesus already knew Peter wouldn’t stay turned away permanently. At the same time, Jesus was giving Peter a future hope and assurance that Peter would one day return to Jesus’ flock of followers.

Jesus never insinuated that he would refuse to allow Peter to continue following him even though Peter was going to take a momentary hiatus from the Jesus journey. Jesus’ handling of the situation sounds like forgiveness in advance to me.

Those six words convey to me much of what Jesus emphasized, in deeds and actions, throughout his earthly ministry:

  • Be truthful
  • Be patient
  • Offer hope
  • Forgive

Thought for the day: It’s never too late to become a new (or renewed) follower of Jesus. He doesn’t have a “three strikes (nor ‘three denials before the cock crows’) and you’re out” kind of policy.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.