More Than One Voice

Today’s scripture: Psalm 147:1 and 7 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (John Seksay):

Music is an important part of the worship service for me: it sets the tone and mood for me during service. I do sing along from the audience, but you will never find me up on the stage! When I was growing up, music was one of the required courses at our elementary school. Everyone sang. This particular year, I was going through some awkward biological changes, as we all do. The music teacher had paused in the lesson to comment, “Why, John, you sound like a drowning frog!”. From that moment on, I lost all interest in singing, and music in general, until much later in life. I am still very much more comfortable as the audience rather than the performer.

When David sent me this particular verse selection to write about, I thought he couldn’t be further off the mark. This passage should go to someone like Bambi, who has a long and fruitful relationship with music. But upon reflection, I realized how superficial my attitude was. Singing is but one expression of an inner harmony given outward form. It all flows from how the person has chosen to express their being. Our attitudes, our emotions, our thoughts, our words, our actions, — these are all songs pouring out of us to express the state of our soul to tell the world how we are feeling at our core. The music that we express may be soothing and uplifting, or agitated and distressing. But to live is to broadcast our song continuously around us, whatever our state may be at the moment.

I readily admit that I enjoy harmony much more than discord. That is why I use quiet time, prayer, and reading to set the tone of my “voices” as much as possible as I go through each day. My “voices” should take their cue from that quiet inner Voice that I am supposed to seek. I find that the world is full of enough discord as it is without me adding to that chorus! So I look to where I feel the uplifting harmonies of God in my life, and I sing with those.

Thought for the day: Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to “sing” in your choir. The gift of Your Voice is the surest balm for the discords of life. Keep my inner ear attuned to Your lead. Help me have the focus to not lose the tune amidst the cacophony of the day!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.