Samurai Warriors

Today’s scripture: Psalm 27:1-5 (NRSV) (KJV) (The Message) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Melody Merida):

Wow, the beautiful poetry of this passage is astounding! Emerson has nothing on David. I’m moved by the sense of surety that I see in the stanzas of this poem. There is the feeling that no matter what happens, if God is with us, we will prevail.

Several ago when my nephew Seth was around 4 years old, we had an afternoon of play time together. Seth loves to play anything — as long as it requires swords! On this particular day, we were playing “samurai warriors” and Seth carried his sword with pride as he strolled around the pretend village he was sworn to protect. Each time I would present him with an adversary about to invade his village, he would make a few quick jabs with his sword, throw in some punches, kicks, and maybe even a couple of “flips” to escape the enemy. He would fight this way for about two minutes and then declare overwhelming victory. This was the same scenario no matter the number and strength of the enemy invaders.

At the end of our play time I asked him how he alone could manage to defeat all of the enemies. He looked at me as if I were a fool when he said, “I wasn’t alone. Didn’t you see my sword? Because the sword is so powerful if I have it I can win against anybody. It doesn’t matter if they’re bigger or stronger than me because the sword is stronger than everybody.”

I think Seth and David are onto something. With God as our light, salvation, and even our sword, there is nothing that can defeat us. Let that sink in for a moment. What David is saying here — and what little four year old Seth seems to have no trouble believing — is that with incredible power and strength, the victory is assured. Truly, if God is our light and our salvation, what in the world do we have to fear?

Thought for the day: God, teach me to trust in your light and rest in your shelter; knowing that you are able to defeat any “sword” that comes against me. Amen.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.