The Peace Within

Today’s scripture: Galatians 5:19-25; John 14:16-21; 26-27 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

When I think about peace as one of the fruits of the spirit, I first think about maintaining peace with God, by believing and trusting in God. I can say that I believe and trust in God, so does that mean I truly have the peace that Galatians is talking about? How can I really know?

Then I start thinking about my own life. How does that peace from God that Jesus leaves us with reveal itself within me? Do I maintain peace with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and all others? Wow! That really is a hard one to answer. I think I can say that I try, but I know this is something that I never really give much thought about. If I were to ask my bothers and sisters, would they tell me that they can sense the peace of Christ within me? I think I am almost afraid to ask!

But it really goes much deeper. I start to think about the insecurities I have and how I compensate for them, the times I think I come up short, and the times I think I disappoint God. It’s enough to have a big pity party and a year’s worth of bad hair days!

But then I think to myself, wait a minute! I’m allowing myself to get caught up in the things that rob me of my peace! We see in Philippians 4:7 that the peace of God is beyond all understanding and guards my heart and mind!

I maintain peace with God by believing and trusting in God. I maintain peace with my brothers and sisters by not allowing strife to be a part of my relationships with others and live as a disciple of Christ. I maintain peace with myself by refusing to live in guilt or condemnation, recognizing that God is greater than all of my sins and shortcomings.

When I turned my life over to Jesus, I put my trust in Jesus for my salvation, for how I want to live my life, and for the kind of person that I want to be. I know this doesn’t make me perfect now, but I know I can live in the peace of God. I can let go of the things that are not of God, that rob of me of my peace.

Thought for the day: Do you allow yourself to live in the peace that Jesus provides us?

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to start, consider the guidelines on the How to Pray page.