What have I Done?

Today’s scripture: Isaiah 65: 1-16 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (David Zier):

When I pledged and joined a fraternity when I was in college, I did so because I was from out of state and did not know anyone. I moved from  Maryland, outside Washington D.C. to Florida. I thought this was a way to make friends. But then I found myself at keg parties, and attending XXX places with a fake ID. The photo did not even resemble me. I have never had blond hair!

One night, when one person named John was driving me home in his truck, his eyes were going to the back of his head. I said to myself, “What am I doing! I am going to get myself killed!” So I got out right there, and walked the rest of the way home. Of course I had no idea where I was and I had to find people to ask which direction to get back to my room. I was staying at a Days Inn for the first semester until I had a place, as the dorms were filled up. It was a long way from where I got out of the truck.

I was scared and disappointed in myself. But I did make some good friends with many of the brothers. I had checked out several fraternities, and I identified with a group of brothers in this one the most. So, I decided from that point on, I was not going to go out to those places or drink. But, I would not abandon it the group.

Whenever some were going to one of those places, I would not go, and I would explain my position, especially how the women were treated badly and the excessive drinking and driving. I was selective of the events I would participate in because I wanted to feel good about the things I was doing and wanted to do well in school and not feel I was wasting my time and energy on the wrong things that would not help me grow. I also wanted to do something more meaningful, something that would keep me more grounded with what God wanted me to do. So, I joined a second service fraternity that was made up of many people of faith from different backgrounds. This was a service fraternity, so it was not competing with the Greek fraternities.

I followed through with where I chose to spend my time. I was even able to convince my pledge class to raise money for various causes as we did things to raise money for the fraternity. We would sell donuts or paint house numbers on homes or curbs, and donate a portion to charity. I got that idea from being part of the service fraternity, and I also thought it was a good way to add some purpose to what we were doing as a pledge class.

It was amazing how hearts were energized as we would do fund raising activities as a pledge class when we would raise money for worthy causes. The other brothers told us they never had a pledge class raise as much money, especially for the size of the group. I like to think that it was because we were blessing others.

I remember how the focus of activities the fraternity would sponsor was also changing. We would do bon fires or go to the movies, because more of us would not participate in activities that were not life giving or denigrating to others. There were still those who wanted to go out and drink and do the XXX stuff. But many were realizing there were other ways of connecting that were more meaningful. As we were turning toward a better way, and leaving the old behind, it was so easy to forget those old ways, because the new was so much better.

And that is what God does for us. When we work on walking away and changing those things that keep us from God, they are forgotten. And, we are blessed with a better way that grows our soul, gives us more peace, and allows us to live in freedom.

Thought for the day: What is keeping us from living a more blessed life? Let go of what holds you back, and walk a little closer with Jesus.

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.