You Are Leading Me to Freedom!

Today’s scripture: Genesis 28: 10-22 (NRSV) (The Message) (KJV) What might God be saying to me?

My thoughts (Steve Adams):

Surely God is in the place, but I didn’t realize it!”

Jacob uttered this profound statement after he awoke from his dream. How often do we go through the same process? We’re mired in fear, dread, or some other “bad mode,” until, suddenly, we realize God has been there with us all along. And we realize that God is in not only in that place with us, but in US as well!

This reminds me of all the years I was scared to fly. In fact, for eleven years my husband Dan and I spent four of our ten vacation days driving down to Tampa Bay, Florida to see my Dad for our yearly visit, because I simply couldn’t bear the thought of boarding a plane. Then something wonderful happened. I learned some yoga, learned how to breathe fully, and learned how to let go of a lot of my daily anxiety. I incorporated this into my Christian faith, and my spiritual journey became much more relaxed. All of the excellent teachings I had heard at LifeJourney and from previous Christian teachings finally reached that area in my life that had remained in darkness. It’s as if the light of the sun was finally able to reach a formerly dark area in my soul.

In fact, I find that I thoroughly enjoy the wait at the airport, visiting with people there and on the plane — finding out where they’re going and why — and sharing the same with them. And yet to be honest, I still have flashes when I think I’d rather not get on a plane, but I let those thoughts slip away and instead rest in the love of God.

It seems that our “dark sides” — when we get stuck in the feeling that God is far away — are situational. When we’re in a safe place with people we love and trust, God seems so close! But, when we encounter that over-demanding boss, or that person who did something we resent, God seems miles and miles away. Yet, with practice (sometimes years), we can learn how to train our minds and nourish our souls so that we can tap into the ease of knowing “Yes, God is in this place! And God is in me. It’s going to be OK! More than OK!”

Thought for the day: God, thank You that even if certain situations have made You seem far away for years and years, there’s always the hope of dramatic deliverance. You are leading me toward freedom!

We encourage you to include a time of prayer with this reading. If you need a place to get started, consider the suggestions on the How to Pray page.